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Monday, September 07, 2009

Muza (Troy, NY)

NOTE: Here's another long forgotten post!

Do you ever get that "corner of your eye" catch when you're out driving? I was heading up Rt. 2 one day when that happened. M had told me about it last summer, and I was reminded again after Celinabean did her review. But it wasn't until that drive up Rt. 2 that I finally decided that I had to try it out. M had been there before and didn't like it, but I made him go anyway.

On the outside, the restaurant looks like it takes up three storefronts. On the inside, however, it looks like a small house that was converted into a restaurant. As you walk in, to the left is a small room that looks more like a sitting area than a dining one. As you walk through on the right, you pass up the kitchen, and into a somewhat larger dining area with stairs leading up to another dining level. More like half a level. We chose to eat upstairs, where it was nice and empty.

I didn't really look through the menu because I already knew what I wanted- golompkies and pierogies. I picked the Polish sampler that had those two plus potato pancakes. M went with the croquettes, and we split another order of pierogies.

Croquette (as per Wikipedia):
A croquette is a small fried food roll containing usually as main ingredients mashed potatoes, and/or minced meat (veal, beef, chicken, or turkey), shellfish, fish, vegetables, and soaked white bread, egg, onion, spices and herbs, wine, milk, or any of the combination thereof, sometimes with a filling, often encased in breadcrumbs.[1] The croquette is usually shaped into a cylinder or disk, and then deep-fried.
And the Japanese version (once again Wikipedia):

Generally patty-shaped, it is mainly made of potatoes with some other ingredients such as vegetables (e.g. onions and carrots) and maybe less than 5% meat (e.g. pork or beef).
That is the version I am familiar with. A mass of food in the shape of a patty, breaded and deep fried. So when our croquette came out, I was a bit confused. M had to point it out to me, that yes it was the croquette, and not some mistake. Actually, they had given us the wrong type of croquette, but M ate it anyways. It was alright, but nothing spectacular. And it was a bit greasy.

Since when is a potato pancake supposed to be flattened mush? What happened to shredded potatoes held together with a binder and fried to golden brown? Isn't that what a potato pancake is supposed to be? The consistency was such a turn off that I gave it to M to finish. The pirogies were good. It's a good thing I got another order of them.

The glompkies were... fine. Perhaps too meaty. I really had to force myself to finish it. If I didn't have so many pirogies, I may have thought differently.


phairhead said...

i find it hard to go out for Polish food since my boyfriend's family is Polish. But just in case Nana, doesn't feel like feeding us we have an alternative

Lilimonster said...

Sadly, the only person that can make most of this stuff is M's grandmother, and she lives far far away. I'm still waiting on her kraut... it was sooo good!

Anonymous said...

I have found that german style, and polish style potato pancakes are usually not shredded. I think you are confusing them with latkes, which are usually shredded, but don't have to be.

Lilimonster said...

Hmm... I may be. Either way, I'll take it shredded over mushy.

Anonymous said...

I believe the potato pancakes at Wolff's Biergarten are not shredded either.

Lilimonster said...


Oh well, if I drink more... maybe I won't notice it.

MsGarlic said...

I actually really love this place. They are so nice too, the girl and her mother.

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