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Sunday, October 04, 2009

More From the Backyard

Finally got around to using the Swiss Chard. Added it to the sinigang. It was incredibly tender and I think it will now be the default leafy green for it. My mom didn't think it was that great, but she's old school. Go team Swiss Chard!

This year's bitter melon crop was just.plain.weird. This was one of the few that decided to grow, and it decided to grow wide instead of long. Didn't cook that one- just grabbed it for the seeds.

I can't believe there are still plenty of pears that need to be picked. And we've been grabbing fruit all season. There are still more out there, I'll get them... don't you worry.


phairhead said...

i like to boil Swiss Chard in broth and rinse throughly and add a little Bacon Salt to it

Lilimonster said...

Whoa... whoa... whoa.

Bacon salt?

Why was I not informed of this creation?!?

Albany Jane said...

OMG, bacon salt FTW!

And yo, that is a weird lookin' bitter melon. It's like it was trying to be a bell pepper or something.

Lilimonster said...

Imagine if it was like the Indian bitter melon. Those things are spiky and teeny tiny. It would have been like a puffer fish!

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