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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Don't Eat This!

Not a food recipe, but something I'm working on for the holidays! You can find it here.

Wintergreen's Tub Truffles
makes about 48 quarter-ounce truffles


5.2 oz natural (chocolate-scented) cocoa butter (you can sub 1 oz shea or mango butter for 1 oz of the cocoa butter)

4 oz citric acid, sifted

2.5 oz baking soda, sifted

EO or FO


Melt the cocoa butter... be careful not to overheat as it can easily take on a "burnt" smell!

COOL cocoa butter to just about room temp... while it is still liquid. This is critical, if you add the citric while the CB is warm or hot, it will react and expand casung an expanding frothy mess!

Add scent... EO (essential oil) or FO (fragrance oil)... I add about 1 tsp.

Stir in citric and baking soda... if this seems like too much dry stuff cut back a bit... you want a texture not unlike a roux... thick but pourable.

Pour into little candy molds. I use a silicone chocolate mold.

Pop into the freezer to set up... 20 minutes will do it if they're small.

Remove from the freezer and let warm back up to room temp IN THE MOLDS. If you unmold them while they are still cold they can sweat and the citric will react causing a bumpy surface.

This is the recipe, but unfortunately I have no cocoa butter! I looked all over and I couldn't find anyone who sold it. What I could get however was shea butter. From what I've been told, it won't firm up as much as cocoa butter, but I'm going to try and experiment anyways.

I'm also looking to making some bath bombs. Normally I like to make the bombs about the size of a tennis ball, but I broke my mold :( I have silicone molds and ice cube trays that I'll be using for the bath fizzies and melts. I'll let you know how it goes.

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