I had a bad feeling about this stuff when I saw it. Why? Hello, it's in the dollar store! Obviously was not a big seller, so my expectations for were low.
I waited for M to get home from work before making this. He was as skeptical about it as I was, but whatever... dinner. We used the cheapest beer in our fridge (bud light) and waited the twenty or so minutes for this stuff to bake.
It looked like cake to me, and the smell that wafted from it was not all that appealing. I was able to manage a bite before I gave it to M. He thought it was okay, but reminded him too much of corn bread, something he doesn't really like.
So if you see this on the shelf somewhere, keep moving.
OMG - Are you Serious???
The stuff is delicious! Quick & easy, buttery, chewy....and darn - I can't find it anywhere!! Have been looking everywhere. At Dollar Tree it was - of course - only a dollar. But I saw (& bought) it only once, & never found it there again. Can't find it in any other store, either. I've seen it on Amazon, but the cost is almost prohibitive. Any suggestions as to how/where I can get more, w/ a reasonable price?
Already typed it - what happened??
LRS - Have you checked out Big Lots? I've spotted it there. I have also seen it at Yankee Dollar.
I do have another review of a Larry the Cable Guy food product. It will be up eventually. Here's a teaser - WOOF.
I found Larry's beer bread at Big Lots and we found it really delicious...we had it with greens, cream peas,etc....yes, we are from the south..we loved it and plan on getting some more....found it for around $1.50...we have tried some of his other stuff as well...pretty good.
There must be some addictive ingredient--I had to stop myself from eating the whole loaf at once! I found mine at Big Lots too. I hope they have some more boxes left when I get there again.
We got ours at Dollar Tree and we will be gettimg more..its was very tasty and I hate beer so that says something!
you must be a himonkey monke go move to irack
I found mine at. 99cent store tones of it
purchased at Big R in Morris, IL. Good texture and thought it better than Tastefully Simple brand. Used Bud, Would use a stronger beer next time.
I got mine at the Dollar Tree. My husband and I found it delicious. I was a little skeptical at first when I bought it but after cooking it for the 50 minutes it stated on the box - the house smelled wonderful. It was great! Only required a can of beer and 3 tablespoons of butter on top.
I found it at the dollar tree for only 1 dollar. And that bread is the bomb! of course if you only cook it for 20 minutes its gonna be raw. Directions say to cook for 55 minutes.
the bread isn't bad, but the corn bread is real dry,
Loved it but not at our dollar store any longer. :(
I found a box at my dollar store some time ago and just made it today. There is an expiration date on the box so look for that. I love this bread. It is so easy to make and the taste and texture is addictive. I love to eat a big slice shortly after it has cooled down...don't even put anything on it. I have even toasted it later on and it is still great. Add some butter and jelly and delightful. This review is so ridiculous. Cooking for 20 minutes. What? I am on the search now for some more as my dollar store doesn't have it any more. Amazon and Ebay are the biggest rip offs charging over $10.00 a box. I would buy Tastefully Simple Beer Bread as it's a bit cheaper than weren't for the cost plus add shipping. I received it as a gift and it is very good too. Larry the Cable Guy bread for a buck at the dollar store was the deal of the century. I'm on the hunt for more.
It is delicious!
And only $1!
So sorry I did not make this the day I first bought the box @ Ollies for 97 cents,,, It was fantastic & of course cant find it now..Bummer....
The person who cooked it for 20 minutes well you forgot to read the instructions. Maybe the delicious smell got to you and you jumped the gun. The bread itself is unlike anything else I tried, it has a texture of unleavened bread and a great flavor. Very good with soup, a crunchy crust, nice and tasty inside. I will try to find some more, it is great.
I've tried his fish batter and was one of the best I ever tried. His spicy cornbread is awesome! I just had the beer bread tonight, sliced and covered in some home made BBQ pulled pork that I made last night. So good! So full. I gotter done :p
So funny. I LOVE the stuff! And...the store I got it from didn't have any when I went back. So now I'm trying to find a place to get it again. Amazon is ridonkulous.
I think it's delish.
I love it also. I had bought a dozen and i am down to one. I need more..
Are you nuts? This is amazing, I have a hard time finding it!! Amazing stuff!!!'
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