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Friday, July 13, 2012

Waiting For The Show

I was waiting around for the pool to open up so I took a walk around Cohoes. Not that long of a walk - really just went around a block. But there was enough in that one block that has me wanting to go back with my camera and appetite. Hit up the Bicycle Barn which didn't have what I was looking for (rats); checked out the market across the street (and it really is what I picture a small urban-ish market to be); and looked up the hours of the diner (which I will eat at eventually).

There's a little park, which I guess is called Canal Square. If the sign isn't a giveaway... well, whatever. Anyways, I was looking at the list of bands when I saw the hot dog cart. A hot dog cart! In Cohoes! I don't know about you, but it just seemed out of place. But it was tempting. And it was a buck, so I caved.

Had a quick chat with the lady running the cart and she told me how her and her husband would work the square and the pool, but for health reasons gave up the pool and just work the Friday shows. She also let me know that they won't be selling next week because they're going to do some Indian Powwow. Then she joked that she might have a hot dog too... before she gets hot dogged out.

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