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Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Late Night Dinner at the Ginger Man (Albany, NY)

And no, there are no pictures. It's too dark to take them... and it didn't seem like it was food picture approving. So this is just a quick recap. I've got a meeting to run off to.

The last time I hit up the Ginger Man was when I was graduating from college. The first time. I was out with my RPI friends and my then boyfriend. I don't really remember much, other than I ran into my TA and someone in our group having their leather jacket stolen.

M and I have been attempting to check the place out, but it always closed. Finally I wised up and just checked their hours. And they just changed to their summer menu. So a visit was in order.

Just like the other times, the place looked closed. But now I know I should go right up to the window to look... way too dim in there.

I was planning on ordering the cheese plate, but I ended up just ordering the paella. The server warned that it was spicy, but what's spice to me? Compared to other paellas I've had, this was one of the better ones. I would have preferred more seafood (especially at $24.95) but realistically that wouldn't happen... unless I made it myself.

I asked M to take a look at the menu because of his dietary restrictions. He didn't but apparently he wasn't feeling all that hungry. He ordered the fried artichoke francaise, served on a bed of salad greens and came with a side of rose sauce. It must have been good because he quickly ate that up.

Ordered a bottle of Petrus Aged Red, which I've tried before at a beer and cheese pairing. My bottle of beer cost more than M's appetizer. Anyways, I had about half before I gave it to him to finish.

Dinner before tip came out to about 46 dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chef Gio can make some.

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