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Friday, September 02, 2005

Lazy Day

I could go for some pan de sal right now. One of my relatives (one of my mom's cousins), had this great recipe for it, but it's at home... if it's even somewhere she remembers. If that doesn't work out, there is one here. This is by May M. and look delish!
Ok, that isn't the same pic for the pan de sal for the recipe, but actually from The Louis Lesaffre Cup. They look so tasty and makes me hungry.

How do you eat pan de sal?
  • Sometimes I like it toasted with a little butter. More often than not, I make a little sandwich with corned beef (filipino pantry staple!). My grandma used to turn the pan de sal into this great sweet treat. She would coat it in butter and sugar and pan fry. They were so good! I've been meaning to replicate that, but my parents didn't buy pan very much (they'd get hard before they were all eaten up).
What is your fondest pan de sal memory?

  • Other than the one of my grandma making that sweet treat, my other pan memory dealt with her as well. It was my first time going to the Philippines, and I only went because my grandma was very sick. I stayed in my dad's old house out in Olongapo and had my first taste of provincial life. The lizzards crawling on the walls didn't bother me as much as the roosters did. Always crying. i came across the biggest pig I've even seen (there's a picture of it up on its hind leg and me running away) and climbed up mango trees (sadly, no fruit). I didn't have jet lag per se, but I was sleeping by 8pm and up by 3am. I used to take walks out in the moonlight and wait until the store down the street would open two hours later. It was here that I had the best pan de sal ever. They were very small, maybe two-biters. But they would just come out of the oven and they were toasty warm and when you bit into it some steam would come out. My dad and I would buy at least 100 pieces every day we were there... I think we sold them out a few times! I bought some homemade peanut butter and slathered them onto my bread. I added cold Andok chicken to it and happily muched away. My dad would call my cousins over and tell them to bring some pan with them to school. They must have thought I was crazy to be so happy about bread.
So, that's my story. What's yours?

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